Guest comments

Here comes the logical conclusion of our 21-day stay in the Ayurvedic clinic.

This is the eighth time I come to Kadaltheeram Resort for panchakarma, and each time for me it is a holiday of soul and body.

Ayurveda is now my way of life!

The entire staff of the clinic has become family, especially Doctor Makar Kutti...

A very caring, competent doctor, a kind friend and spiritual teacher!

I would like to sum up and not so much for myself, but for you, dear friends, who will read these lines, and those who need it will read them.

I will try to be honest and objective (although everything I think and write is subjective by default).

Firstly, I would not call this stay a treatment (in the generally accepted sense).

Rather, it is a reboot of the biological computer.

It is definitely more difficult to achieve a similar effect in the latitudes where you live, because everything matters:

— the beauty of the landscape

— the helpfulness of the staff

— the fatherly care of the doctor

— the centuries-old wisdom of Ayurveda

— the purity of fruits

— dietary nutrition

— idleness, that is, the opportunity to disconnect from society and look inside yourself (into your "rich inner world")

— good medical preparations

— the tactile pleasure of massage

— yoga

— breathing practices

— sea air

And so on and so forth.

All together works and allows you to achieve good results where official medicine is still powerless or ineffective.

But, having promised to be honest, I will say that this is not for everyone.

This is not for those who:

— elevate traditional medicine to the level of truth

— do not know how and do not like to relax and be a bit of a careless person

— do not know how to accept and let go

— look at the form and do not feel the essence

— are not ready to change

— do not see the richness and diversity of the Universe in a grain of rice...

I highly recommend it to everyone else!!!

Zubaira Jundubayeva
Almaty Kazakhstan

I express my deep gratitude to the whole team!

For 2 weeks, I felt every minute the care of all the staff in my treatment!!!!

Special thanks to Dr. Kutti and the masseuse for the sincere and heartfelt attitude!

Dr. Kutti gave a lot of knowledge about Ayurveda, yoga, astrology, India!!!

Sreta is the best in her field!

I came alone, I felt that everyone here was like one family!

I will recommend you to my friends!!!

I wish you prosperity and good luck….

Also, thanks for Maslenitsa, Russian Party, in India!!

It was very positive and heartfelt!!!

Oksana Kostina

We are very happy.

Good doctor, very good therapists! Place fantastic!

Results incredible!

Thank you!!

Ivaldo Bertasso & Vittorio Rossi
Sao Polo,Brazil

My treatments were unforgettable. All staff were extremely friendly.

I will advise many of my friends in Germany to come here, and I will come many more times again.

Thanks to all the wonderful people.

I love you all.

Amit Ranka

Очень благодарна судьбе за знакомство с Индией и с прекрасным райским местом — центром Аюрведы и йоги «Вайдяшала».

Признаюсь честно, что ехала немного с сомнениями. Было очень нелегко. Первые пять суток дались мне со слезами и болью.

Доктор Кутти все 15 дней с раннего утра и до позднего вечера практически не отходил от нас. Проводил занятия йоги, следил за питанием, давал ежедневно назначения, которые устраняли причину заболевания.

А чего стоит наша замечательная массажистка Срета со своей напарницей! Всегда с улыбкой встречала и провожала. Но её волшебные ручки сделали своё дело, и я очень ей благодарна!

Место на самом деле райское. Тишина, благодать, йога, правильное питание и неподдельные добрейшие улыбки всего обслуживающего персонала.

Все — начиная с уборщика и заканчивая нашим замечательным доктором Кутти — день за днем радовались вместе с нами нашему выздоровлению.

С благодарностью вспоминаю всех, кто помог мне справиться со своей проблемой по здоровью. Я полюбила йогу, которую до приезда в Индию просто не понимала.

Желаю вашей клинике процветания, хороших и благодарных гостей! Буду всегда вспоминать вашу клинику с благодарностью! До новых встреч! Всем здоровья!

Бакаева Гультас
Алматы Казахстан

Отдых для души и тела

Посетила курорт в ноябре 2017 года по программе аюрведа. Осталась довольна этим отелем: уютный, спокойный, подходит для релакса и отдыха от городской суеты, приветливый и добродушный персонал, очень хорошая аюрведическая кухня, внимание и индивидуальный подход доктора Кутти. Большое спасибо.

Шульгина Светлана
г. Москва

Благодарим от всей души весь персонал!

Хотим особенно выделить Д-ра Кутти за его тёплое сердечное отношение к нам.

В окружении внимательного, тёплого, заботливого персонала, мы здесь чувствовали себя в РАЮ!

Хочется приезжать сюда ещё, ещё и ещё.

Пожелания: вата-пита, капха-вата — отдельное меню.

Обратить внимание на тщательную уборку.

Мы вас любим!!!

Хачатурова Галина & Приказка Татьяна

I enjoyed my stay very much. Thanks to all peoples care and attention.

Ayurveda treatments were very professional and healing. I am sure I will see you again!

Best wishes to all!!

Mariya Kazakova

A very pleasant and restful stay. The full team was very hospitable and welcoming.

Very attentive to our every need and wishes. The treatments were well organized and very well done by Dinu and Lawrence as well as Sreetha and Nisha.

And well supervised by Dr. Kutty who also was our Yoga master and was very helpful in choosing the suitable program.

Very tasty food served by the kitchen chef Mahesh and his team.

Room service by John and his team very well.

Good rest and good treatments like a home away from home. Lots more to write.

Maybe next time!

Thank you all!!!

Rashid Isa Rishi Al Heddi

Thank you for the fabulous 2 weeks. This was an excellent experience cleaning our body, mind, and spirit.

The combination of early morning yoga, two times treatments, healthy food, beautiful surroundings, and incredible service made this trip fulfilling, satisfying, and memorable!

Special thanks to Dr. Kutty for recommending the treatments and for sitting with us every day and providing healthy living guidance.

Dinu and Lawrence for my treatments for being my number 1.

Sreetha and Nisha for Galbars treatments. And for being her number 1.

Sherin for serving our meals and looking after us.

Mahesh for his delicious meals and the cooking class.

Johnpaul and Sushmitha for room service and towel decorations.

Thank you all very much!!

Mehboob Gulzar Ladhani
Oakville, Canada